Can You Get a Dental Exam While Pregnant?
At Parker West Dental Associates in Plano, TX, Dr. Tim Nguyen safely can treat pregnant patients. Having dental work while you’re pregnant is in fact safe. Dr. Nguyen recommends regular dental exams and routine dental cleanings as hormonal changes can increase your risk of gum disease. When left untreated, it can affect your baby’s health. Our professional staff believes that prevention is an important aspect to oral health for all of our patients.
How pregnancy will affect your teeth and gums
Many women go through pregnancy without any problems with their teeth and gums. However, pregnancy can lead to a variety of oral health issues in Plano, TX. They include:
Increased risk of tooth decay: When you’re pregnant, you’re more prone to cavities. This is because morning sickness increases the amount of acid in the mouth. Regular brushing and flossing can help reduce the chance for tooth decay.
Pregnancy gingivitis: Hormonal changes can lead to tender and swollen gums. Frequent routine dental cleanings by Dr. Nguyen can help prevent gum disease in pregnant patients.
Tumors: Overgrowths of tissue or pregnancy tumors can appear on the gums during pregnancy. This is most common during the second trimester. This is caused by swelling between the teeth due to excess plaque. If you’re concerned about these growths, talk to Dr. Nguyen about having them removed.
Why is it important to have regular dental exams when pregnant?
During an appointment with Dr. Nguyen at Parker West Dental Associates, he will ask you about your medical history and talk about your pregnancy. He will examine your teeth, gums, jaw, and mouth thoroughly. Now more than ever when you’re pregnant, regular periodontal exams are important as they detect gingivitis. If you’re experiencing any bleeding when brushing or flossing, call to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
Are dental cleanings safe when I’m pregnant?
Yes, dental cleanings are safe. Taking care of your teeth and gums is important all of the time. Oral health care is safe throughout all trimesters of your pregnancy. Delaying any treatment for oral health issues could result in risks for you and your baby’s health.
When you’re pregnant, you’re more susceptible to inflammation of the gums. When gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to more advanced stages of periodontal disease. The bacteria associated with this gum infection could spread into your blood, which is dangerous to your baby.
A dental cleaning removes tartar and plaque from the teeth to prevent gingivitis and tooth decay. A regular oral hygiene routine also helps to keep teeth and gums healthy, too.
Is it safe to have dental x-rays while pregnant?
Yes! Dental x-rays are most definitely safe to have during pregnancy. It’s important to notify Dr. Nguyen that you are pregnant right away during your visit. The amount of radiation used during an x-ray is relatively low and, according to the American Pregnancy Association, isn’t enough to cause harm to a baby. However, you may decide to postpone x-rays until the end of your first trimester. While this isn’t necessary, it may be best for your peace of mind.
At Parker West Dental Associates in Plano, TX, we use digital x-rays that use 90% less radiation. They are safe for all of our patients including those pregnant and breastfeeding, too.
Is local anesthesia safe during pregnancy?
If you’re pregnant and you require a root canal or a filling, local anesthesia is safe for you and your baby. This means that you don’t have to wait to have routine dental procedures during the course of your pregnancy in any way.
Schedule a dental appointment for routine dental care in Plano, TX
When you’re pregnant, it’s increasingly important to ensure your teeth and gums are as healthy as possible. When we know you are pregnant, we can position you in the chair so you’re comfortable during any procedure. Routine dental exams and cleanings are important to help prevent gingivitis from developing. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Tim Nguyen at Parker West Dental Associates, call our Plano, TX office today.